ERASMUS+ project

RAFT Work-based learning recognition

Welcome to the ERASMUS+ project RAFT!

The project RAFT Work-Based Learning Recognition is working towards the formal assessment of knowledge and skills acquired in a work-based training situation with a view to certifying such skills while preserving the general informal context of training. This new approach will allow formally low-qualified people to achieve efficient training pathways and to get the formal recognition of acquired skills.

The project also promotes workplace learning and encourage the social inclusion of disadvantaged groups.

Main project outputs

Assessment Reference Frameworks in HORECA and HORTICULTURE Sectors

Evaluation benchmarks for work-based training in the HORECA and the HORTICULTURE sectors.

A Guide on Informal Learning Assessment Methods and Recognition / Validation Procedure

A guide on innovative methods for assessing informal/non-formal learning. 

A Quality Guide for Recognition Systems

A quality guide for the design of a system for the recognition of competences acquired informally.

Latest news

RAFT: Work-based learning recognition
RAFT: Work-based learning recognition12 months ago
The Italian Multiplier Event took place on the 30th of October in Padua, and it included the presentation of the final products and a very productive discussion at a Round Table on ARFT tools and other possible means to support the work inclusion for disadvantaged persons

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ERASMUS+ Co-founded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union


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