Project information

  • Project Title: Reconnaître les Acquis en Formation par le Travail / Work-based learning recognition
  • Acronym: RAFT
  • Project Reference Number: 2020-1-FR01-KA202-080279
  • Programme: ERASMUS + KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices (KA202)
  • Project Duration: 1/11/2020 – 31/10/2023
  • Project Coordinator: Association de Gestion des Fonds Européens, France
RAFT project logo

The project “Work-Based Learning Recognition” (“Reconnaître les Acquis en Formation par le Travail“) – RAFT is working towards the formal assessment of knowledge and skills acquired in a work-based training situation. Eight partners from six European countries (France, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Latvia and Slovenia) are working together on the project.


Various European studies have highlighted the multiple forms of work-based training organized in Europe and have developed recommendations in terms of key competences for trainers in Work-Based Training Providers – EFT. However, despite a proven informal recognition of Work-Based Learning (WBL), a persistent difficulty has been identified at the level of the recognition of learning outcomes. Indeed, although methodologies based on informal/non-formal learning have proved to be very relevant to enable formally low-qualified people to achieve efficient training pathways, the informal/non-formal character of these systems does not currently allow them to be certified.


The project RAFT aims to take part in the development of evaluation systems that can support the formalization of work-based learning evaluation with a view to certifying such skills while preserving the general informal context of training. The project aims to:

  • build a clear, precise and relevant reference framework,
  • develop an evaluation process consistent with the training process,
  • produce simple, concrete, objective observation tools,
  • produce simple, concrete and individualized reporting tools.

This new approach will allow formally low-qualified people to highlight all their competences (vocational/technical knowledge, know-how and soft skills).

Project results

Various results are expected during the implementation of the RAFT project:

Intellectual outputs

RAFT consortium will work together to develop the following intellectual outputs:

Evaluation benchmarks for work-based training in the HORECA and in the HORTICULTURE sectors will be drawn up in order to define the criteria and methods for evaluating the results.

A guide on innovative methods for assessing informal/non-formal learning will be drawn up and proposed to VET trainers so that they can test the tools developed (reference frameworks and assessment tools). This guide will include a section on the various instruments to promote the recognition and/or validation of vocational competences. In particular, this guide may encourage the production of Open Badges, innovative career and talent management resources.

A quality guide will be developed to propose some useful benchmarks for the design of a system for the recognition of competences acquired informally.

Short-term joint staff training event

Training of trainers will bring together 16 professionals for 3 days to present the alpha version of RAFT developed tools so that they can use them optimally with their learners.

Multiplier events

Once all RAFT intellectual outputs have been finalised, each partner will organise a promotional event in his/her region to present them. In total, one European and 7 regional conferences will be organised by the RAFT consortium.

Promotional and dissemination materials

Various promotional and dissemination materials together with the project website and Facebook page will be developed.

All developed resources will be available to the interested public in 6 languages in the Results section of this website. 

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